Looking for language (words and meanings) why not try the online dictionary: https://wiradjuri.wcclp.com.au/
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Lloyd Dolan
Store owner
This site has been developed to complement the life's work of Uncle Dr Stan Grant with linguistic support from Dr John Rudder. The resources you will find here are designed to expand on and to complement existing resources (Books, DVD's, and apps).
Australian Ballet: Wilaygu Ngayinybula
Australian Ballet: The Story of Pomi and Gobba
Other Resources
Indigenous Literacy Foundation: checkout resources produced in multiple languages.
Nginha yiing durrulgali (Where happiness hides): This edition of Where Happiness Hides is in Wiradyuri Language, the First Nations Language of the central-west region of NSW Australia, which is the First Nations Country on which Dirt Lane Press operates.
Giilangyaldhaanygalang: Giilangyaldhaanygalang is a 100% Aboriginal owned partnership founded by Ruth Davys and Pettina Love.
ABN: 99328944277